What's happening in NFTs this summer? This months mix of fresh NFT articles to get you started featuring Infinifty, Mila Kunis' Stoner Cats and The Currency by Damien Hirst.

August Mixer: Infinifty, Mila Kunis' Stoner Cats and The Currency by Damien Hirst.

The Future of Creativity

NFTs are one of the core building blocks of a new digital economy. The more our lives are lived online, the more it makes sense for us to create and interact with our art online. Discover how creators are taking advantage of NFTS. Infinfty explains here

The Frenzy Around NFT Crypto Collectibles

One of the many crypto collectibles transforming the entertainment industry, Mila Kunis' 'Stoner Cats' animated series of short randomized image tokens sold out before the first episode had even aired. With the NFT market blowing up, is it time to join the hype? Read more

The Currency by Artist Damien Hirst

"The Currency is an artwork, and anyone who buys it will participate in this work, it's not just about owning it. It is the most exciting project I have ever worked on by far." Years in the making, Damien Hirst opens up about his 1,000 spot paintings, his first NFT collection. Find out more

The Metaverse is Now

In the metaverse, it is not enough to “wear” or “display” your digital item. You must also be able to prove its scarcity. That can be done by owning the cryptographically unique certificate, the NFT. A very blunt realisation on navigating our digital-first future. Read more

Becoming a Crypto Creator

Not sure where to begin? Sir Suhayb has curated a series of Instagram carousel posts with insights on where to get started on becoming a crypto creator. Discover more

The NFT Artists Leading The Way

Fractional have collated an analysis of NFT Artists giving you all you need to know about each project from its background to cultural significance, and other key information featuring our very own XCOPY ArtRead more

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