Inspiration for the mind and soul. Discover our mix of captivating articles featuring NFT game 'Proxi', swimming pools merging nature with design, Fashion Photographer Miles Aldridge and Selfridges in-store exhibition 'SUPERFUTURES'.

August Mixer: NFT Game Proxi, Pools Merging Nature with Design, Fashion Photographer Miles Aldridge and SUPERFUTURES.

'The Sims' Creator Introduces NFT Game 'Proxi'

NFT lovers, rejoice! 'Proxi' is a AI driven simulation game designed to take players on a journey of self-discovery aided and enhanced by true ownership of digital, in-game assets. Read all about it

Swimming Pools That Merge Nature with Design

Dreamy alert! Disclaimer: We are in no way responsible if after viewing these pools, you book your next vacation. Check it out

Bringing Colour & Uncanniness to Fashion

Boundary-pushing Artist and Fashion Photographer Miles Aldridge's images can unsettle as much as they can bring pleasure and we've got your behind the scenes fix into his eye-popping theory of colour. Watch his Nowness interview

A Thought-provoking Shopping Experience

Inspiring thoughts whilst you shop at Selfridges with their in-store SUPERFUTURES, which culminates in asking: What sort of planet do we all want to live on? Find out more

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