Fabrik Conditioner - December 2018

Joshua C Fry
Explore the Miami Bike Life through the lens of Joshua C Fry - coming soon...

Jan Vhrovnik
Director of Photography
Sir Ian McKellen on a lifetime of activism - Jan Vrhovnik DoP shoots the legendary actor for Attitude Magazine.
View Ian McKellen - Actor, Activist, Legend
Not Yet Trending is an investigative story from inside Airbnb with a mission to find up-and-coming destinations before anyone else can. Here: Azores, a region of Portugal – in the middle of the Atlantic – where the islanders dwell in dormant volcanoes, the pineapples are the sweetest on the planet and, we discover, locals in the capital are fashioning their own hyper-creative downtown before your very eyes.
Retrospective: from the series: "Between silence and noise”.
Artist Gianni Casagrande produces work that intends to draw a common narrative directly from the imaginations we all share; understandable in any language and by any eye, to the extent that everyone agrees.
George Butler is an award winning artist and illustrator specialising in travel and current affairs. His drawings, done in situ are in pen, ink and watercolour. Over the last ten years his desire to record scenes in ink rather than with a camera has meant he has witnessed some extraordinary moments; refugee camps in Bekaa Valley, in the oil fields in Azerbaijan, in Gaza with Oxfam, in Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Myanmar, in a neo-Nazi murder trial in Munich.
His drawings have been published by The Times (London), Monocle, New York Times, the Guardian, BBC, CNN, Der Spiegel, ARD television Germany, NPR. His work has been shown in the Imperial War Museum North and the V&A Museum which also holds some of his work in the National Archive.
April works in brand communication specialising in asset development and design. Her work is can be found behind innovative concepts such as NIKEiD and Nike+ app.
None of the kids I spoke to go to school - declares Rahman, renowned documentary filmmaker. With a focus on migration, poverty and human rights Shafiur sheds light to the Rohingya children who collect plastic bottles in order to recycle them. For their efforts they are paid $2 for one and half bags worth of plastic bottles.
It takes a child a whole day to fill up one to two of these large sacks. The boys work six days per week, sometimes even seven. They often cut their feet stamping on the plastic bottles; almost a given since they don't wear any kind of shoe or sandal. The dust in the denuded mounds where they search for scrap plastic irritates their eyes. Bottles are also picked up from open drains, and in the absence of gloves and protective clothing in general, this can be a source of serious infection.
At Fabrik we have a role to play in helping filmmakers gain traction and respect for tackling difficult subjects and making it as easy as possible to share their stories with the world. Please get in touch with us if you have your own story to share.
He may have studied engineering, but it’s in the art of the visual that he found his true calling. Based in Athens, Greece, Tasos has worked with Red Bull, and The NY Times; proving that there are infinite paths to creativity.
Alternative title: “Throwing shades". Makeup work on point by @emilymcewan for Christian Roth eyewear. Clarity and logic. The brand’s modus operandi comes alive in this still.
Tweed this. New work by Ash K Halliburton or the FT's How To Spend It.
Some assembly required. Marloes Pijfers creates limited edition, official IKEA merchandise to celebrate the chain's 75th birthday. Cheeky, funny, brave, it’s no wonder why the series sold out.
16 hours is the time difference between China and LA. A beautiful short film about American-born Chinese, bringing stories of people caught between two cultures to the surface. Get in touch if you’d like your story shared.
Ricanstruction: Reminiscing and Rebuilding Puerto Rico by Emmanuel E. Lugo - a published and up-and-coming Visual Storyteller. Congratulations on reaching the top spot on Amazon's Best Selling Graphic Novel Anthology.
The Sound of Silence starring Peter Sarsgaard, Rashida Jones, Tony Revolori and Austin Pendleton, this is a story about a successful "house tuner" in New York who calibrates the sound in people's homes to adjust their moods, but meets a client with a problem he can't solve. A contender for the Best Drama category, the film holds its world première at the Sundance Film Festival this January. Massive congratulations to Fabrik Hero Matthew C Hart for his narrative work.
Prabal Gurung Fall/Winter 18 campaign shot by Jin & Dana, a refreshing take on fashion photoshoots, featuring an all-Asian cast in front and behind the cameras.
Fresh out of university, living between Romania, Barcelona and London, capturing life, fashion, travels and anything in between in digital and analog format.
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We're always keen to see what you've created. Follow our social feeds and tag your new work with #onfabrik when you're ready to show it to the world. Apologies; we can't add spec work, ads or commercial content to our Conditioner series.