Fabrik Conditioner: July 2023

Lily Mars is a Cinematographer
Brooklyn, NY
Lily’s recent work covers an impressive range of content for artists, musicians and big name brands like Chanel - she's going to be a name to look out for the rest of 2023 and into 2024.

Gustav Skjellerup is a Cinematographer
Aarhus, Denmark
Gustav Skjellerup is a skilled cinematographer based in Denmark. When you look through his body of work it’s clear that he has developed a very sought after style.

Enrica Concas is a Jewellery Designer
London, UK
Enrica suffers with endometriosis, and due to this, has suffered serious weight loss. This challenged Enrica’s perceptions of her beauty, which inspired the creation of jewellery to make her body shine.

Florian Stadler is a Cinematographer
Los Angeles, CA
Florian Stadler is a cinematographer based in los Angeles who has shot award-winning spots for a number of major brands. With hundreds of national and international commercials, Florian is no stranger to his craft.

Oren Michels is an Editor
Richmond, VA
Oren Michaels is an editor working with large scale recognisable brands. His work ranges from narrative to more unique and stylised cuts - using archival footage combined with modern takes.
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Apologies; we can't add spec work, ads or commercial content to our Conditioner series.