A new year means a new chapter and we've got your dose of creative inspiration featuring the award-winning short film Garage Romantic, Alex Prager's post-pandemic world and the debate whether NFT's are art.

January Mixer: Awwwards Academy, Garage Romanticism, Alex Prager, Films of 2022 and Are NFT's Art?

Building your skill set

A brand spacking new year with so many creative opportunites to enhance your skill set or learn something new. Awwwards Academy have discounted workshops and free live sessions so now there's no excuse, let those ingenious minds thrive. Check Out Awwwards Academy

Garage Romantic

A short film by New Zealand Director Dan Sadgrove, a big dreamer from the small town of Togliatti in Russia ponders life’s purpose while building a rocket powered sled made from discarded trash. Watch the Short Film

Alex Prager’s Post-Pandemic World

Inspired by the bizarre, traumatic, and isolating experience of the last two years, Photographer and Filmmaker, Alex Prager captures theatrically-staged images showcasing moments of high drama unfolding luxuriously in glorious technicolour. Read the interview

The Most Anticipated Films of 2022

Psychohorror's and gruelling thrillers make their comeback. Take a gander at the top ten films coming out this year, which for levity's sake, also includes movies that don't rely on a jump or scare to shock its audience into submission. Find out more

Are NFT's Art?

“NFTs are not art in the same way Wikipedia is not an encyclopedia and a pipe is not a pipe. Art is defined by the intent of the artist, not by a gratuitous sweeping generalisation by some contributor to an anonymous website.” Read the debate

Got recommendations? Shoot us an email, we’re all ears!