We've got news. Some of it's about NFTs, some of it's about an old painting of Jesus, some of it is great tech news and you may even find some of it inspirational.

We can promise that is is, at the very least, news.

Mixer: 23.07

Salvator Mundi returns (kind of) as an NFT

Da Vinci's painting, last sold for $4.5 million, is being transformed into an NFT by company 'Elmonx' in collaboration with the 'International Image Licensing Company.' Was this da Vinci's final wish? Probably not, but judge for yourself  . Check it out here

Sony announce a new controller system designed for people with disabilities 

It's been a long time coming, but still - it's better late than never. Sony's new device aims to allow people with limited motor control Find out more here

Smelling your way around a virtual world

The company 'scentient' are developing a wearable device that will allow users to immerse themselves into virtual reality via no just sight and sound, but smell too Learn More Here

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