Profile Links
We've updated your profile links options to add some new creative services, so you can now link your portfolio to pretty much everything you use.
November Showcase
A stack of freshness from the Fabrik community, with some fantastic reportage and landscape photography, a little luxury and a tour de force in music promos.
Hi Submenu!
We've extended Fabrik's menu tools to make it really easy for you to create submenu's across your site simply by dragging and dropping content from your portfolio.
October Showcase
As the cold weather returns creativity all over the globe flourishes in these new portfolios from our community. Take a look at these tasty morsels from New York, Los Angeles, Reykjavík and London.
September Showcase
A short month for the Fabrik team as we were travelling and knuckling down on a new theme, but we found time to pick out some gems from Munich, Paris and London.
August Showcase
Whilst everyone else is out enjoying themselves these heroic creatives have been putting together superb portfolios of work to energise your eyeballs. August freshness from London, Sydney, Amsterdam and Edinburgh.
Introducing Tocuyo
Introducing our latest theme Tocuyo, with all-new cover layouts and featuring layout styles for complete control over media elements.
July Showcase
Put down the strawberries and prosecco for a moment to behold this batch of Fabrik's new July creatives, checking in from London, Dublin, California and Sydney.
June Showcase
Fantastic work and fresh creativity from London, New York and Lucerne. Join us while we wait for Summer to finally peek through the clouds with this selection of our favourite finds on Fabrik through June.
May Showcase
May saw five beautiful new weekly selects from creatives working out of London, Cape Town and Milan. All of our creatives this month work in and around the film and tv industry - showcasing the varied, talented skill sets that come together to make a production happen.
Password protection is here
You can now provide restricted access to projects for clients and press, keeping your work secure from the rest of the internet.
April Showcase
Our four weekly selects from April come courtesy of creatives working out of Nashville, New Jersey, Maryland and London. Fantastic work pushing visual storytelling forward in both film and still imagery.