The Collector - 22.10
Digital Artist
"An exploratory journey into the realm of visual glitches and abstract places." —@nvnot_
Chris Coleman
"The GeoPortraits are a series exploring 3D Scanning and Blender's new Geometry Nodes. These are meant as process snapshots, each using a different scanned person." —@digitalcoleman
Renee Johnstone
"I believe life will pull them in directions that may not be the same. The need to hold on to each other will be imperative." —@ren_johnstone
Tania Rivilis
NFT Artist
"The work of Tania Rivilis is distinguished by a wide range of themes and a variety of techniques: from classical and academic portraits to contemporary impressionist works, from gala oil portraits to graphic drawings. Her signature style reveals a personal desire of art experiment and paying homage to traditional craftsmanship at the same time: this is a concept of classical art in modern interpretation." —@tania_rivilis
Jenni Pasanen
Motion & NFT Artist
"Series of masked beings created by uniting machine and mind. Based on shapes generated by generative adversarial network. These intriguing machine created shapes let the imagination run wild in a world that isn't limited by human emotion--creators vision work as the heart of machine. Stepping forward with a new medium of art and machine learning, by combining the two as one we can create something unprecedented and fascinating." —@PasanenJenni
Hannes Hummel
Designer & 3D-Artist
"We dream of flowers on the razorwire." —@hanneshummel
Shane Robinson
"The Toxxen race evolved and mutated over the millennia in response to the ecological and industrial disasters that plagued their planet. They are now able to thrive in some of the most toxic environments imaginable." —@LimnDigital
Victor Fota
Oil & Digital Artist
"This project was made in collaboration with the Polish electronic-music producer, Kino Oko, to illustrate his 2016 album, "Certain Kind of Solitude"." —@VictorFota