The Collector - 22.42
"Providing deep absorption." —@_0_0_0_9_
AI & 3D Artist
"This series is about pure souls, AI ART photography images, style simplicity and therefore: great aesthetic impact." —@larsnagler
Mikhail Sedov
Visual & Motion Artist
"Abstract flowers collection."—@msedov
Louis Iruela
"SOULTREES is a compilation of photographs portraying nature from an intimate point of view, with trees and forests as the common theme. This body of work has a romantic and surrealist mood, the product of countless rainy morning walks and hours of creative editing." —@louisiruela
"Digital Painting." —@lostmywaystudio
Alessio Garcai
3D Art Director
"The eternal cycle of the system. The Walkers is a permanent and critical installation that denounces the historical situation of those who cannot escape the cycle of poverty and injustice, due to the mechanics of a failed system that has forgotten those who are the driving force of society and life. A perpetual artwork to perpetuate the forgotten. Keep walking..." —@alessiogarcai
Kolamide Majekodunmi
Conceptual Photographer
"Created to roam, our minds ever wanting to travel the paths and depths of the universe, wandering thoughts and imaginations though limited by our visions, but still longing to explore, only hindered by as far as our hearts can see." —@sinmipe
"You should smell life. Like a flower whose fragrance polishes the soul. To drown our soul into the beauty after that (life)." —@shahparism