The Collector: 23.26

Loulou João
3D Artist
‘A star presented through the clouds giving a glimpse of what’s to come; Miss Focket taking the spotlight. She’s surrounded by the sculptures referencing the iconic image of Carolina Beaumont. Giving her confidence and pride in the journey she’s gone through to become who she is now.’ — @JoaoLoulou

Visual Artist
‘If you like piña coladas
And gettin' caught in the rain
If you're not into yoga
If you have half a brain
If you like makin' love at midnight
In the dunes on the cape
Then I'm the love that you've looked for
Write to me and escape’
- Rupert Holmes

‘oh no' —@danielkoeth

Visual Artist
‘A memory of the snow, beginning it's descent on a lonely gas station. A feeling of loneliness, as the cold consumes.’ — @delta_sauce
’2022’ — @kapoooowwwww

AI Artist
‘Your only problem, perhaps, is that you scream without letting yourself cry.’ - Friedrich Nietzsche

HOXID + Nate Hill
‘Drawn between the lines of reason, in a world where you expect everything to be black and white, what you come to realize is that the complexity of thought goes beyond black and white. In fact, there’s richness, there’s depth, there’s texture, there is nuance. Nothing is ever as simple as reason may deem it to be. Step outside the confining lines between the black and white. Embrace, if you may, the gray.’ — @HOXID @natehillphoto