‘’The depicted girl embodies the essence of purity, vulnerability and unbridled emotion. She stands as beacons of strength, transcending the boundaries of social norms and embracing the depths of her being. Nevertheless, she is not alone in this journey.’—@Nika_Rakhmanova
A return to the endlessly pleasing, calming & geometric wonderland that is monument valley, pantone's mocha mousse wins colour of the year and light paintings cascade over Lake Michigan in this edition of the Mixer.
Contributions from Janis Mikolajczak, J'aime Luis, Gabriel Araujo, Eleonara Vergano, Agent at Large, Ania Flaszczynska & Marshall Boel make up our selection of summer conditioners.
Back in May we launched our newest theme Voile, and it didn't take long for Fabrik users to start building some downright BEAUTIFUL portfolio sites with it. So we've decided to compile some of our favourites and share them with you. If these don't inspire you, nothing will.